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青年教师吴优在Energy Economics发表论文

近日,贸经系青年教师吴优博士的合作论文Changing determinant driver and oil volatility forecasting: A comprehensive analysisEnergy Economics 2024年第129卷正式发表。Energy EconomicsABS 3期刊,太阳成集团tyc151com认定的经济与商科ESI A2期刊。

01 内容摘要

Academic research relies on exogenous drivers to enhance the accuracy of forecasting oil volatility. Following the relevant literature, this study collects 62 exogenous drivers that reflect the movements of oil demand, oil supply, oil inventory, macroeconomic fundamentals, financial indicators, and measures of uncertainty. Our empirical results indicate that dimension reduction regressions, especially principal component analysis regression (PCA), successfully predict both WTI and Brent oil volatility at the one-month ahead forecast horizon. Shrinkage methods, on the other hand, outperform their counterparts for medium- and long-term forecast horizons. Furthermore, the unsupervised learning method (PCA) achieves superior forecasting performance during periods of oil price decrease, whereas supervised learning methods (i.e., shrinkage methods) significantly improve volatility accuracy. Additionally, the empirical results reveal that movements in the Kilian index, World industrial production index, global economic conditions index, U.S. steel production, Chicago Fed national activity index, capacity utilization for manufacturing, U.S. default yield spread, and MSCI emerging market index have a significant impact on oil volatility.


02 作者简介

吴优,16877太阳集团贸经系讲师,硕士生导师,期货从业人员资格考试命题组成员。博士毕业于北京航空航天大学,长期致力于金融市场研究。在Energy Economics,International Review of Economics & Finance,Finance Research Letters,《金融研究》《管理科学》等期刊发表20余篇论文。