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金融系郑延婷副教授论文在International Review of Financial Analysis发表

2023年11月,金融系郑延婷副教授论文A New View of Risk Contagion by Decomposition of Dependence Structure: Empirical Analysis of Sino-US Stock Markets在International Review of Financial Analysis 2023年第90期正式发表。International Review of Financial Analysis为ABS 3期刊,太阳成集团tyc151com认定的经济与商科ESI A2期刊。



With the fragile recovery of world economy and increasing financial uncertainty, global capital allocations and risk management become more sensitive to the risk spillover and contagion among financial markets, especially in extreme conditions. We propose a new view to detect risk contagion by the local comonotonicity and counter-monotonicity decomposed from dependence structure. It allows us to distinguish risk spillover, portfolio diversification risk, mild, moderate and severe contagions in the uniform framework. We apply it to analyze the identifications and degrees of risk contagion between Sino-US stock markets, and then find that they experience higher frequencies of portfolio diversification risk and moderate contagions while fewer proportions of mild and severe contagions. Impact factors from United States play the main role in increasing the odd ratio of risk spillover and moderate contagion between Sino-US stock markets. Our results can help global investors to develop sophisticated risk strategies by revealing structure information of dependence.




郑延婷,16877太阳集团金融系副教授,硕士生导师,北京大学数学科学学院金融数学博士,美国佐治亚理工学院学术访问学者,中华环保联合会ESG专业委员会委员,北京金融学会理事。主要从事金融风险传染分析、量化投资及可持续金融等方面研究工作。在Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 、International Review of Financial Analysis、Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method、Journal of Systems Science and Complexity等国际期刊发表多篇学术论文,主持参与国家级项目7项,出版学术专著2部。兼任北京市金融学会顾问专家,以及Journal of Systems Science and Complexity、Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method、系统工程理论与实践等期刊审稿人。


