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财政系许敬轩副教授团队在Economic Analysis and Policy发表论文

近日,财政系许敬轩副教授与财政系硕士研究生侯湘、胡倩琳合作论文How do low-carbon city pilots affect carbon emissions? Staggered difference in difference evidence from Chinese firmsEconomic Analysis and Policy 2023年第79卷正式发表。Economic Analysis and Policy ABS1期刊,太阳成集团tyc151com认定的经济与商科ESI A3期刊。

1 内容摘要

We employ firm-level tax survey data and a staggered difference-in-differences to evaluate how China’s low-carbon city pilots (LCCP) affects CO2 emissions. Results show a 30% reduction in emissions and a 36% improvement in energy efficiency. The LCCP highly targeted high-emission and low-efficiency firms, reducing CO2 emissions by 79%, and increased loans only to high-carbon and low-efficiency, state-owned and collective, and small firms. Our results indicate that the decline in emissions cannot be solely attributed to financial incentives, the environmental regulations also played a role in facilitating firms’green transition. The findings provide recommendations for other developing countries aiming to lower their CO2 emissions.


2 作者简介

许敬轩,16877太阳集团财政系副教授,硕士生导师。博士毕业于中国人民大学,主要研究方向为财政理论与政策、环境经济学等。在《经济研究》《金融研究》Energy Economics等期刊发表多篇论文。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目。



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